Enough browsing and looking for entertainment and fun times online without having to pay for them, time to settle down and do some reading at my blogspot for free, to get a certain feeling you're at a place that's well worth the time and interest.

Cheers, and here's to you, for being here today. Trusting & knowing that all I am telling you is for the good of all, harming none, in perfect love and perfect trust. No deceitful and double-dealing websites that want your time, money, and last nerve.
Welcome & Hello! Thank you for visiting. I'm Ari R. Kolman, and I made this Blogspot for you. No-matter where you are.
It's not full of baloney & lies or scams, or sales, or misinformation by fake & phoney; Narcissists, Sales people, thrill-seekers, money hungry, rude or inappropriate, double-talking not to be trusted people with cognitive disorders, it's full of my Love for you, no-matter where you are.
Going anywhere online today, you have to face those things of untrustworthy aspects, when all you really need is a nice time to sit down and read, something worth reading, looking at, enjoying and learning from. Without any purchases you'll be walking away with more, than what money can buy you.
With Truth on every page, not shady or shifty unreliable offerings of wishy washy word-games; weary sentences of omission, bad grammar and spelling mistakes, that have you thinking wtf, and I'm outta here. FYI; wtf is not bad grammar and I use it to show my disgust of things.
One of my "disgust of things", is the disgusting trait of others called a lying tongue, and word-salad they use to tiptoe around truths & facts; that includes lies by omission, because I hate lying and liars. A person who lies, has no self-respect or respect for others, as I know they lie to everyone.

I am a truth-teller with Love, self-respect and respect for others always. I am mindful and cognizant with everyone and their issues, by focusing my awareness on the present moment, the present person, and the present situation, especially as part of my spiritual, meditative, therapeutic, healing and recovering resolve. I am deliberately aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, in order to create a feeling of calm.
I have genuine concern for others with integrity, morals and ethics intact 100% of the time. When I'm in public I don't speak out of place, I determine, conclude than answer any question. Unlike others everywhere, I don't interrupt with inappropriate dumdum comments of selfish gratification and one-uptedness, while dismissing & disregarding what someone is feeling, saying or going through.
Anyone can say anything to me, without me interrupting, and I will empathetically listen with emotional intelligence and genuine Love for that person. Unless that person is a Narcissist, than their just talking from the buttocks and aggressively pushing my panic buttons.

Sharing, helping and putting Good out into the world with style, strength, inspiration, information and a natural sense of emotional intelligence and delicate approach since I can remember, and then since 1998 Online. Disappointment online everywhere I went, and still today everywhere I go, so here I am., not only for others, but for myself right here.
I do have a delicate nature that can handle almost everything, and I'm a truth-teller that can handle almost any kind of truth; sharing with everyone and putting it out there for others in a delicate nature, so that others can know the truth and handle it appropriately, while at the same time know me and my authenticity.

I don't know to whom I am speaking to just yet so don't get the wrong feeling about me; I'm not braggadocious and I'm not harsh; I'm just telling you about myself so you can feel comfortable while I talk to you, and I'm only harsh when need be, and that need be is usually when I'm speaking to dumdums or Narcissists. They are harsh, and braggadocious, while I just explain, or fight fire with fire to get through the fire.
I admire Officers of the Law and I answer questions when asked; divulging with honesty; without omitting and skirting around the details, being rude and inappropriate. I'm easy to get along with, and able to deliver good or bad news in a kind and helpful way.

When you have no respect for anyone, you hate everyone and you just lie like a rug all the time. I view lying regularly as Narcissistic Behavior, and the Liar as a Narcissist. Liars lead to Narcissists, Narcissists lead to Psychopathy and Psychopathic Behaviors; severely mentally ill people with behaviors I would like to warn you via my blogspot.
I wish to make you more aware of what is bad and what is good, for example; a Narcissist in your life and abusing you, is bad, while someone who is kind hearted and loving you, is good. It's simple, but not black and white so you can't always know, until it's too late.
It is said that "Life isn't black and white. It's a million gray areas" and for me those grey areas can be dangerous and full of Narcissism, so it's good to recognize the Narcissists & dangerous dumdums, from the genuine good people. I'll help you with that here at my Blogspot.
I've been through alot of bad with bad people, yet I've been through alot of Good, with good people. Plus, inside me, I am good, caring and loving with no cognitive disorders, so I can properly and positively share it all with you via my blogspot.

The Home Page is for daily posts. Posts about Narcissism, Posts about Narcissistic Abuse, Posts about Healing and Love; and posts about having a good time; more images, more information, more videos & reels; from professionals and coaches. From our friends, from our peers; some smiles, some tears and posts that can take away some fears.
Tears & smiles may come and tears & smiles may go; you'll have a mix of emotions while you're here, but also a mix of implanted important information that you should know and fear. Visit often to see those posts, or visit often to see the rest of the pages.
You can visit the rest of the pages via the tabs above, and know that I update them whenever I can without an update alert, sign or big presentations. If you Subscribe to my blog, you'll get an update alert at your end, so know that when you do, it's to tell you I posted something new on the Home Page, or I decided to tell you about another page update in the post.
So the other pages can be called whatever you wish; my autobiography, or my documented Narcissistic Abuse and survivor experiences. Or my Diary, Journal, beliefs, opinions & convictions; life story, life history; my memoir, my Philosophy, my self-reflection, my Thesis, my healing, my writing or even my anti-Narcissist Campaign & Resources.
I'm not offering services to help you, I'm only offering you this site for reading and research, looking at and enjoying. Not to mention returning to remember something I said, or a word you need to use from the Words & Terms Glossary (a great resource). That way I'm helping you, and it's as simple as complimenting you because I think you're beautiful.
My caring for you; help & Love for you, will be my writing and my providing of resources; with it all, I'm sharing with you and thinking of you, trusting you, wishing you and thanking you.
You can trust me also because I appreciate everyone who visits me here to read what I have to share, thanking me or not thanking me; I know what I have to share will be worthy of the time spent.

Time well spent or time well wasted, is one of my favorite past times, and in life when I share my love, feelings, knowledge, resourcefulness and/or possessions with others; I normally create a relationship of trust, which in most cases flows back and helps me feel secure and happy, unless of course it's a fake flow from a fake Narcissist.
So I will feel the genuine flow-back to me from those who appreciate everything I've shared. Befriend me at facebook and chat with me anytime for any questions or for just my support, don't worry I'm not a Celebrity so I have the time and welcome you to do so.
I'm not an online Trendsetter or Influencer, a spokesperson or a sales person, so I like to help out people for free, there is no cost with me. I'm also not a counselor or licenced therapist. I'm not a registered Trauma Specialist, I'm not a life coach or a doctor of any kind, I just know alot, say alot, give alot and love alot.
Counseling tends to be shorter term, goal-oriented, and it addresses concrete, specific life challenges. I have always spoke with strong effectiveness to help others (persuasive eloquence, articulation & fluidity, emotional intelligence and being expressive), and I've always thought and made decisions based on the long term effects of what I'm saying, and my help for others
Like a therapist I've been asked many times by many people to share what I know about what has happened to them, and like a counselor I specialize in areas of Love and marriage, abuse and addiction to the abuser; grief, spirituality, Integrity, morals, ethics, etiquette and so much more.
Simple questions for me could be hard, and hard questions could be easy, I never know what I'm going to say until I say it, just like I never know what I'm going to write until I write it. But, I always know that what ever it is, it is in Perfect Love, Perfect Trust, and the Truth.

Licensed therapists must have, at minimum, a master's degree in a field related to psychotherapy, while Psychologists must have a doctorate-level degree such as a PhD or PsyD; I have none of that, I only possess the love to help others, and some knowledge with experience to do so.
More than that; I also possess Intelligence and Intellectuality, like many of them do, except I have emotional and spiritual intelligence, that many with intelligence and Intellectuality do not. Have them help you for a fee, or have me help you online via my Blogspot for free.
I've never charged any money to help anyone like this, like therapists do with Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies - Behavior therapy - Cognitive therapy - Humanistic therapy - Integrative or holistic therapy or the therapy you need to have while being with, or trying to get away from an abusive personal situation, and I've never had any sort of training to do so.
However like a Life coach I focus on an individual's future, including their aspirations and what they hope to achieve. Not to achieve as wanting to achieve big things like big business careers, or big money or big family, but more self-love and power and happiness within yourself. Plus, the knowledge and the strength, the affirmation and confirmation to succeed.
From my Blogspot, I do offer steps that one can take to create positive change in your life and accomplish your goals to heal and recover. You just have to read, and I hope you enjoy reading, because one of the simple steps beside reading my stories; begins with, reading my Words & Terms Glossary just so you can understand, what I'm telling you about everything.
To find out for one, that your misery is being caused by Narcissism and people who are dumdums, while you give and give and they take and take. And, when you resonate with some of my stories and experiences, you will confirm your feelings and hopefully make changes for the better. For the good of all, and harming none.
Two, that you really are a good person and just need to get back to the basics of loving yourself and others, while knowing how to be. Without the criticism of narcissists wanting you to be, what they want you to be. Instead be what is right, what is true, what is Love and what is you.
Three, you have a lot to give others, but you have to stop giving freely to just everyone; don't be a people pleaser, not all people are the same, because many people will take and take and not stop until you lose your mind.
If you're a people pleaser I can understand that, but if you lose your mind being that way, you may never get it back, so you have to be aware of those kinds of people vs people of Love, Integrity; morals and ethics, etiquette and worthiness, of you giving to them. That's one of the things I wish to instill in you by helping you while you're here.

Narcissistic Abuse, Narcissistic Traits and Trauma Bonding, and the Cause of an Emotional Breakdown for many.
I talk about all that throughout the pages, so along with me and my life story, my experiences and feelings, my opinions, and the help of google, facebook, youtube and my 'Words & Terms Glossary',, "extra extra you'll read all about it". For now take a quick look-see at 27 techniques' Narcissists use, right here.
🫥Techniques Narcissists use.
- Gaslighting
- Manipulation
- Triangulation
- Love bombing
- Need for constant admiration
- Projection & defensive projection
- Playing the victim
- Sense of entitlement
- Compromised empathy
- Emotional appeals, and breakdowns
- Exaggerating their own achievements
- Fake Flattery
- Revenge
- Shaming
- Arrogant or haughty attitude
- Being jealous of others
- False Apology or Fauxpology
- Generalizations
- Ghosting
- Hoovering
- Isolation
- Lying
- Moving the goalposts
- Shifting the blame onto you
- Showing no emotion or vulnerability
- Pretending emotion or vulnerability
- Willful ignorance / deliberately dismissing adequate reasoning
I talk about Narcissism alot and compare Narcissists to others throughout all the pages, because you should know them for who they are, just as you should know who I am, and knowing me is knowing that I know them now, and knew alot of them throughout my life. Narcissists and Toxic People of all kinds.
I share it all in hopes to help or inspire others. Inspire because many people are going through Narcissistic Abuse and don't know what the hell to do, let alone know that that's what they're going through.
I'll tell you right now, that not one sane person should have contact with not one toxic Narcissist if they want a stress free life as much as possible. If you are constantly attracting them, you must learn how to watch out for them by reading what their Red Flags are like. Knowing that without them around you, you can attract the right person for you. However it's not that simple and that's why you must read my other pages.

The Words & Terms Glossary. Visit that page as much as you can, because it's there to help understand even more, by reading about the differences of things and people, and the different words and terms pertaining to Narcissism and the Abuse.
There are different types of Narcissists and Narcissism traits with different types of mental and psychological abuse, we all need to know them, just like we all need to stop them.
Also in the Words in Terms Glossary you'll find useful info to understand even more about Love, good people, loving people and people who are the opposite of Narcissists, like I am.
We show good and loving and caring traits all the time, or more often than not. I'm all about the opposite of narcissism; the good in people, the spiritual and the love in my life, your life, and the life in others. You may resonate with me when you read about the Love, but you may want to learn more when you read about the disgusting ways of Narcissists.
There are many good things to learn there, by just looking, finding, reading and comprehending. Then trying to remember and live without Narcissism; like if your fortune cookie told you so, or your horoscope advised.
If you know about reading horoscopes, you'll know how to read the words & terms glossary, you'll find who you are over there, and you'll find who they are. You'll learn their tricks of the trade, as well as your loves and wants and good-stuff you'll be happy you learned about.
However It also gets very bad and serious with abusive traits, physical abuse affects, Cognitive Disorders, and Psychopathy, commonly resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior.
There's alot to learn at my Words & Terms Glossary, so instead of looking in the horoscope to see who's compatible with you, look over there and see who's not; what to watch out for, and how to never look or sound like a Narcissist anywhere you go.
In life, there are two types of people; Us, and them; or Good people and Narcissists. With categories of Love and Narcissism put all together, you should be able to understand that we are all connected with each other, and that Narcissism should not be enabled or accepted, they should be rendered unable and unacceptable.

So my friend, you'll learn alot by me, and you'll remember alot, and you'll become even more of the beautiful person you are already. I know you're a beautiful person because you're here, and you've read this far. No Narcissist would bother reading this far, and no dumdum would even know how to read this far. You're here, because you know you should be, and I'm so glad.

If you are a Narcissist, and one of the two percent in the world that would like to better themselves; so you've read this far, please visit the Words and Terms glossary, to find out how not to be, study it daily and read my whole blog along with, and that would be your improvement homework for life by me.
I've only heard of, and watched on video, two Narcissists online so far that help others be aware of Narcissists and Narcissism, and I love them for it. However I don't know if they're trying to better themselves, or stay the same while exposing Narcissism traits to help others online. So I am still weary of them, but fell in love with them when I watch their videos and give them the benefit of the doubt.
Speaking about others who wish to help people learn more about Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse; there are many others on video and many resources and links that I will be publishing as well, I just haven't got to that page yet, however on the Homepage I will be posting them from time to time, and you'll be able to link to them individually from there.
In Perfect Love & Perfect trust, making you feel better; heal better, recover quicker, be smarter, be happier and know you're appreciated and worthy is a must. I love you & enjoy.

💖Tʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ sʜᴀʀɪɴɢ, ᴄᴀʀɪɴɢ, ɪɴsᴘɪʀɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴍʏ Bʟᴏɢsᴘᴏᴛ💖
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