They are the worst; I say the worst, because I know them personally. The worst Narcissists I've known, are my 2 Sisters and 1 Brother, along with 1 friend that came to stay with me 11 months after my Love passed away. He came under the pretense of him caring about me, wanting to help me and take care of me.

However, along with helping me and taking care of me, I had to deal with unbelievable bullshit and complete mental torment of his emotional and psychological daily abuse towards me.
It was a year of him, and it was one of the worst years of my life, I thought I was going to die, or he would suddenly kill me. It was while not even being allowed to grieve for my beloved. He was one of the worst male Narcissist so called "friend" I ever met.
To me, the Narcissists that are the worst, are the ones self-sabotaging their own lives all the time, with the wrong decisions, the wrong choices, the wrong words, wrong actions, wrong thoughts, wrong questions, wrong perceptions, just wrong wrong wrong all the time.
They are Apathetic, have a tremendous amount of Arrogance, and they think they're funny. They are dishonest to me and to themselves, and Greedy, Manipulative, Impatient, Jealous, Rude, Aggressive and all the things I will not tolerate today.
Disrespectful, Egocentric, Judgmental, Selfish, Angry, Argumentative, Careless, Disorganized, Forgetful, Inept, and while they think that they're nice, funny and helpful, there's an agenda being plotted on top of my head.
When they think that they are correct, most of the time they are incorrect, whether it be an accusation or just a manner of speaking. Mistaken and inaccurate of timelines, facts, recalling an event or issue, and thinking they knew something or someone. Not exact when you need an explanation. Untrue while omitting or exaggerating the facts.
Misleading others while others are trusting them to lead. Changing the topic or deflecting and Illogical when faced with what they don't like, but what they don't like is Logical.
They are storytellers of unfounded and False Narratives, gaslighting when needing an emergency way out, while I need a way out from their delusions or paranoia. Telling events and issues full of holes and dicey false facts, while refabricating the reality of most of the story.
Sounding right and correct while feeling; and keeping in, how opposite of right and correct they always feel. Unjust, dishonest, or immoral. Aggressive, unlawful or Violent. However they're hilarious thinking I can not see all this right through them.
Lawbreaking, criminal, delinquent, felonious, dishonest, dishonorable, corrupt, unethical, morally wrong, evil, sinful, foul, and despicable, pick a word because the worst Narcissists are 5 or more of them.
Giving shady covert and personal undercover threats, or downright overt threatening in a disgusting manner. While inappropriate and called on it, a default response is a stupid response and one with "I'm not doing anything."
Playing naive is a practice that they made perfect, but taking accountability for emotionally or psychologically bothering or hurting someone they would rather die while hiding. Because they'd rather die, than accept blame or fault or justification to how bad they made anyone feel.
They are the ones that are at fault for things and issues and negative emotions while never taking accountability for them, and they are the ones' that always say to you "I didn't say that." "That's not true." "Why do you say that." and "You don't know what you're talking about."
Many times I know they did say that, it was true, I said it cause it's true, and I did know what I'm talking about and so did they.

In my life, hurtful people were everywhere and to me they were dangerous, even though some by looking at them you could tell they could possibly be a good person.
Yet dumdum people were everywhere and they were just as dangerous, so I didn't want to appear to anyone else the way they all appeared to me. They all appeared like Narcissists, so I tried to stay away from both kinds of people.
I can spot a lying hurtful toxic person a mile away, and I don't like dealing with them, but if I must I will. I've come to realize that Toxic People are everywhere; they're Poisonous.
As a whole, they're like the dumping of toxic waste but similar in poisonous; venomous, virulent, noxious, harmful or destructive and environmentally non-friendly, or fatal, deadly, lethal, and then death-dealing.
While someone's toxic or narcissistic traits may harm others, they don't make someone an inherently bad person with evil intentions. They could just be a dumdum and meaning well.
We are all learning and growing as we experience new things. You can be a good person with toxic traits and you can be a Narcissist with toxic traits, one is an innocent dumdum and one is a guilty Narcissist.
You can be a dumdum sometimes or you can be a dumdum all the time. I'd rather be a dumdum sometimes than a narcissist all the time. And, when I am a dumdum, I can admit it and learn after it, if I wasn't just joking or acting like one on purpose.
For me it's fun to act the role of a dumdum for a laugh, but to actually be one would kill me, just as it's funny to see a comedian pretend to be a narcissist, but if I knew he was actually one, it wouldn't be funny. I can do dumdum things sometimes, but I will never do narcissistic things any time.
Those who do narcissistic things all the time and have an intense desire to deny criticism and win arguments to no end, are those with diagnosed NPD or Borderline Personality Disorder, or in my experienced opinion any of the Cognitive Disorders from other parts of the spectrum.
It doesn't matter what part of the spectrum they're on, how old they are or where they come from, what astrology sign they are or if they're intelligent or just a dumdum, they're all Hell on Wheels to deal with.
Denying criticism typically involves insecurity and an easily damaged sense of self-esteem full of hidden shame and regret. This can manifest in narcissists as extreme sensitivity to criticism with negative views of them, because of unacceptable inner self-shame for years.
Criticism is a threat because it constitutes evidence that the person's negative view of themselves must be accepted because it's true. However they spend their life not accepting that they have negative ways and negative traits, it's just too negative for them to accept let alone fix.
Narcissists are often argumentative, self-centered, manipulative, and lacking in the proper self-reflection & judgment process. They need to be right, to be agreed with, to belong, to matter, and to be loved in order to find their next Supply. You or I could be their next target for more supply.
One reading my pages here, could show an appearance of agreement with; or empathy for, me until I addressed things about them that triggered them too close to home and their grandiose self-absorbed delusion about themselves. Calling me all the names in the book, especially a delusional Liar.
They usually project onto others, what they know to be themselves, or words that others have used on them, so I won't let it bother me when it happens.
They may mask their negative traits by agreeing with others, or showing actions of empathy, or love-bombing or being supportive and helpful, charming & friendly. However for me, their mask is just clear and see-through plastic, and I can smell the dangerous toxicity from behind their masks anyway.
Smart-ass people are dangerous; ignorant people are dangerous, wild party people are dangerous, thrill-seekers and kids can be as dangerous and everyone can be dangerous because of wrong choices of words and actions.
Religious people are dangerous, Criminals are dangerous, many aggressive sales people and entrepreneurs are dangerous, and of course many rich people and politicians are dangerous.
Especially those that appear to have false altruistic behaviors; triangulating confabulations with self-deception & projective identification to everyone so everyone can believe them all the time, or at least when they play the victim of every bad circumstance.

They just have to get their way, and they want you to believe that every bad circumstance is never their fault or happened for any reason caused by their actions.
As gullible or naive as I seemed in the past, I didn't believe everyone I heard with their stories, but I did give them the benefit of the doubt, that perhaps I was being harsh by being upset at them; thinking they were lying, thinking maybe they're just dumdums, but they were lying because they were Narcissists.
I didn't know there were Narcissist people at the time, let alone in my family, so I thought I need to be less judgemental, less critical, and give them a chance. Boy did I feel used and abused after every chance.
Somehow even when they help you out, you get used and abused after showing that you were grateful for them helping you out. They won't believe you felt used by them because they want you to believe that nothing is their fault and they are the bigger person. "Maybe it's you" they'll say.
They have great stories to get you to help them or feel bad for them, but they're people who use lies and latent language while gaslighting whomever when they don't get their way, while exploiting others or just showing others contempt.
That was never the person I wanted to be let alone know, but I knew them cause I didn't know what I know now. Now I am the opposite of a Narcissist, or a dumdum, or a person with BPD, or anyone with any sort of cognitive disorder.
Now my big heart doesn't only hold love and support, it holds intelligence and knowledge of way more than I ever thought was possible.
Today I know for sure, that certain two-faced Narcissists are telling lies about me (and omitting the truth) every chance they get; throwing me under a make-believe-bus of theirs that they created just for my special smear campaign they've concocted for me behind my back. I know it's happening as I speak.
There are so many traits and things they all say and do, like they've studied them in a school they all went to, that should be Red Flags for everyone.
Like for instance, a narcissistic trait that you can spot right away; is when they want to help you out, with an expectation of being helped in return, right away or when they'll need it; Quid pro quo; Latin: "something for something".
They'll either say it to you in words or just expect it from you. Like the narcissistic expression says "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours"; referring to a quid pro quo, which is a reciprocal exchange for mutual benefit, but in this case it won't be mutual or equal.
They are the green-eyed monsters and MVPs to themselves, expecting a quid pro quo with anything they do for anyone. Even when they don't ask for it, they expect it right away or down the road.
It's like a silent contract, that you don't know you're signing when you receive their help. If by chance you say "No", and can not fulfill your silent contract with them, they will constantly try to convince you to do so, with labor or money, or difficulty on your part.
In other words "how can I benefit today", is a thought that goes on in their heads automatically every day through life, especially with money. However, helping someone because I care to help them with nothing expected in return (the way I've lived my life), even if I needed help, is the trait of a beautiful person, and a thought that goes on in my head everyday.
I'm a genuine giver, while people who expect in return, are not. I love giving, I love helping, I love supporting, pleasing and making others happy, and the feelings I get by doing so is a feeling money can't buy.
I Just hope for the best that you won't ever have to deal with a more dangerous level of Narcissist. The behavior of malignant narcissists is considered very dangerous because it often involves manipulation, exploitation, and aggression towards others.
However that's nothing new for me to see with all the levels of Narcissists. I consider all Narcissists and Narcissistic behaviour to be malignant; infectious, invasive, uncontrollable, dangerous, life-threatening, incurable and possibly lethal and deadly.
Malignant narcissists have a need for power and control and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it means harming others in the process.. Everyone has good traits about them, but this Narcissist couldn't show me just one that doesn't lead to danger.
With interpersonal difficulties but pathologically aggressive, domineering, cold and coercive, they will not help you whatsoever, but they will make sure you help them.
Coercive control by patterned acts of scamming, lying, assaulting or threats, humiliation, intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim or anonymous targets.
Again, to me any Narcissism and any Narcissist is dangerous. I don't write about them being different alot because I consider them the same, and can find the similarities with all of them.
Just like Toxic is Toxic no matter how toxic or how different the toxic is; psychopathic behaviour is still psychopathic behaviour even when they're sleeping or hiding and you don't see them.
Surprisingly deep down they are more fragile and aggressively reactive; with more shame, and more goal-oriented actions; thus, more vengeance and more spite, so there's hardly any thought needed upon coming up with hurting anyone.

They can turn on you in the blink of an eye. They walk around with the highest of grandiose self-thoughts and the need for attention-seeking; while preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of unlimited success; superpowers, genius and brilliance; sex appeal, beauty or love, while thinking they can get away with murder.
Even though many of them get away with murder, those kinds of thoughts and fantasies are delusions; while lying; manipulation; exploitation, breadcrumbing (or love bombing) double talk and gaslighting are daily practices, with a constant need of more. More supply or more money.
They are green-eyed monsters with dark shadows all around them, that'll have you lost and not knowing which way to turn. Follow a bunch of gossip or a smear campaign, and you should find one of them!
Follow a bunch of Narcissists and you'll find all the Psychopaths. As clear as day, when you have bad people, they're all going to meet up with even worse people.
You can only trust them for betrayal, confabulation, gaslighting or triangulation; lying or omitting the truth; cheating, being disgustingly inappropriate, wanting something from you, and hurting your feelings before you figure out that they are full of shit and could put you into a dangerous circumstance.
So along with the thought that I'd be safe with the siblings, roommates and housemates; NPD abuse also came to me in Boyfriends that I had; dates I went on, Bosses and co-workers, and employees of establishments everywhere. Then finally after years, I disconnected.
Then I reconnected, then disconnected, and so on and so on back and forth. There is no healing or recovery when that's all you do. However through it all as natural as breathing, I have always maintained a moment-by-moment awareness of my thoughts; feelings, words and actions; with Love & Respect for others.
So I'm mindful that others may have suffered Narcissistic Abuse themselves in the past, and that something narcissistic they've said or they've done may be a result of the abusive accumulation, or a mental scar from the abuser that they carry through life.
I can tell the difference between that kind of a person and a full-blown Narcissist. I can tell the difference from your words and actions; even if you are a nice or decent person, I can see the parts of you that are not nice or decent; the dangerous parts, the NPD parts of you; or just the sweet dumdum parts that could get you and me in trouble one day.
For example, many people are foolishly dismissive, and I say foolishly because they sound like a fool when they dismiss what you're saying and then deflect, but now I believe they're not being foolish they're just being narcissistic and should know better.
However you know that they not only dismiss your feelings and actions but the actions of others. Not only actions of pure and good intentions from good people, but the intentions of scary, bad and evil from Narcissists and Psychopaths.
A scary scenario of being dismissive when you shouldn't would be, a Mother of a grown man around 25+, foolishly dismissing the years of his bad behaviour, mental abuse of others, and illegal actions (with lots more narcissistic traits I've already mentioned), from her son who she knew was addicted to hard drugs.
Always needing money for those hard drugs and treating her like shit with disrespect and disregard. But a year or two has gone by and he says he doesn't do drugs anymore, and he loves Mom don't you know. Now he just needs a job, and naturally she loves him so much she helps him find one.
The neighbour who is an elderly woman needs help with things; grocery shopping, driving her around, cleaning and light work around the house; things Narcissists would help you with while having an hidden agenda.
A agenda is a plan or goal that guides Narcissist's behaviour and that is often kept secret; as a hidden agenda, and so the mother introduces him to her sweet and lonely elderly neighbour and he starts to help her, for a small fee whenever she can give him one.
Acting accordingly for a while, he helps her until suddenly the sweet little old lady turns up dead, killed, robbed and left in a pool of her own blood. It's the work of a psychopath.
In particular; that narcissist son had become psychopathic (for what ever unjustifiable reason), targeted her, attacked her, had her fight for her life and killed her.
Now I don't want to blame the mother of that psychopath narcissist but if she wasn't such a sweet dumdum and foolishly dismissing her son's years of Narcissism; not learning her lessons from the son over the years, that sweet and lonely elderly neighbour may still be alive.
She should have known better than to trust him with others she cared about. She had all the Red Flags to warn her of dangers to come, by helping or enabling him.
She should have just locked her doors, not let him in, and called the police when he'd try to break in. But he's her son, she had no one else, I get it, she's a dumdum and now must forever live with that on her conscience .
I would still feel empathy for her because Love Is Involved; I still feel love for sweet dumdums with blinders on over the love they freely give and then suffer the consequences. However I'm not the kind of person that would say to her "don't worry it's not your fault."
Yes I'm being harsh, because I've been treated harshly by narcissists and dumdums, and my own Mother was treated harshly as well by her own Narcissist Son that just made her look and feel like a dumdum all the time.
She naturally loved my Brother also and was there for support and enabling for years. Even when in court to the judge, he would blame both of my parents for his criminal behaviors.
He confabulated a story about how very difficult his childhood with our parents were, and suddenly, she's in court after he begged her to come. It was like him creating a smear campaign just for my parents so he didn't have to go to jail.
He had her confess her involvement of how he turned out the way he did. It was sickening to watch, cause I was there also, just to support her.
He blamed her for his behaviors because of her addiction to alcohol, when I'm sure she became addicted to it because of him and my other siblings.
While my Father was blamed as well because of his aggressive and hostile behavior towards them, and labeled "Child Abuser", while he was aggressive and hostile towards them because they made him lose his mind from them being out of control since childhood.

So hopefully I get my points across because they are lessons everyone should learn from, and yes that scary scenario of the lonely elderly neighbour killed by the Psychopathic Narcissist was a true story.
That Mother is now feeling terribly guilty forever I'm sure, so hopefully she's learned her lesson and tells her son "No you can't come home to live with me after they release you from prison", if they ever release him. Something Mom should have said to him a long time ago.
The dumdums may not be a narcissist but dismissal of the obvious warning signs leading to support and enabling a narcissist, is foolish; dumdum and a dangerous trait, and I'm sick of seeing it.
You can't trust even your own son when you see the warning signs; and if you do trust him after seeing them over and over; he'll play you and you'll be blinded by his selfish manipulation and master trickery symptoms of NPD.
By the way, seeing one Red Flag over and over, is a Warning Sign, not a sign of just one thing happening all the time that you hope you can fix. Hope you can fix your toaster not your Narcissist.
It's false hope that you can fix them, or that they are not like that anymore. It's false hope that they don't scheme and sneak around with ulterior motives; manipulate, lie, hurt people in words, disrespect you and so forth.
Dismissive behaviour from anyone witnessing a hurtful; disrespectful; inconsiderate; and downright rude narcissist is disgusting, and causes a deep sadness down in my soul for the world.
It's bad enough having the millions of Narcissists around the world, but having millions of foolish dumdums; flying monkeys and blinded enablers in the world can be just as bad or even worse, while they support the wrong things, people and behaviours.
They live with blinders on, in ignorant bliss, while they ignore and omit the truths and the warnings, while enabling, supporting or even promoting the person who is a Narcissist or Narcissistic.
They may say that they do not condone that action or the way that person is talking, but enabling, supporting or even promoting other people who do, is just as bad.
Why can't the world of enablers and flying monkeys see, or understand, that when you do those these things, it's like you're stupid; trusting scammers; it's foolish, it's ignorant, careless, and hurtful for the world, making the world a dangerous place to live in?
Why should anyone else in the world, suffer for stupid; ignorant and careless people's trust in scammers. We shouldn't.

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