The Unbelievable Grossness of Beings.
Not You and I, Just Them, and They.
If they can't address what was,
They are not qualified to address what is.If they can't address what is,They are not qualified to address what was.
Do you know why we find "good" people doing bad things? Because we're all enabling narcissists and narcissism. We Must Stop!
Our enabling narcissistic behaviours from anyone is why everyone is fighting in the world. It's why there is War. Why there is so much violence & violent people in the world?
It's why it feels like no one cares what you say think or feel. Why Morals & Ethics fly out the window.
Why there are Psychopaths walking around ready to kill? Why the earth is going to shit also? Because we are enabling narcissists and narcissism.
Staying quiet when people do a bad thing is also a form of enabling them. So basically we are all enabling them to continue doing bad things because we all stay quiet everyday about them, as a total in the world hurting more and more people.
By staying quiet we're supporting or enabling more than one of them on a day to day basis all over the world; and as a total, all of them are sustained and encouraged.
I know that Silence for many, unlocks our creativity, allowing healing, or innovative ideas to flourish. We enjoy immersing ourselves in silence and not speaking up when necessary because we cultivate self-awareness and foster personal growth.
Our silence; for ourselves; provide us a tranquil space that nurtures inner calmness and mental clarity, essential in combating the stresses of everyday life. Like the stresses of constantly dealing with Narcissistic people everywhere.
Our silence; for others; can be a way of support; enabling, and acceptance; and with Narcissism our silence is enabling and mitigating consequences that would otherwise be a result of negative choices, of ours.
There will be no consequences for Narcissists who are constantly enabled and accepted by our silence. Over time it can have a damaging effect on not only to people we don't know, but our own loved ones, circumstances and others around them.
Narcissists can get away with behaving terribly and won't stop, let alone get help to stop, if they don't fully see the consequences of their actions. When you walk around thinking bad thoughts and doing bad things, there should be consequences.
Someone who persistently behaves in enabling ways, justifying or indirectly supporting someone else's potentially harmful behavior, is directly or indirectly enabling and supporting that person's unhealthy and dangerous ways.
We may not think they could be dangerous at the time, but over time and sometimes when it's to late, believe me they can be downright dangerous. Since we are all connected, all the things they do have a rippling effect; spreading pervasive and usually intentional and influential bad behaviors and actions onto others.
Example; thinking you're in love with a Narcissist and becoming more and more their enabler, usually happens slowly which makes it difficult to detect until it's too late. The ripple effect of their bad behavior has reached you inside and out.

Too late because you don't feel like you could leave them, or too late because they just hurt you like no one else could. So you stay with them, and then the ripple effect of staying with them spreads past you, and reaches to disrupt your family unit, your friends, your community, etc.
It usually starts with things like letting them disrespect you; making excuses for them, or letting them lie to others, cheat with others, etc. The actions become greater and more involved over time as you adapt to their growing problem.
The problem is that Narcissists make you believe that they mean well so you turn to them for everything, and that makes you involved in their Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde disorder, but they can be so mean and heartless just an hour later, so then you have nowhere to turn and just stuck.
Jekyll and Hyde behavior describes intense and dramatic mood swings. They could also be related to borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, or other mental health issues, but it's all very toxic, and the road away from them is a long and painful toxic road full of hurtful and destructive bumps and holes.
Their Motivation of enabling themselves by you, are ways of addiction motivation; addicted to your fear, your guilt, your hope for them, and your victimhood to them. Each of these motivations come with different manipulation tactics on the part of the addict. They are the toxic addict, you are the toxic drugs.
Over time while you being their victim; and when it gets to be too late, you both will be toxic addicts and both of you will survive on each others toxic drugs.

Victimhood addicts are those that are emotionally and psychologically so abused, so misunderstood and so needing the assistance of others, when many times it's just too late because you feel all alone with only the toxic narcissist as your toxic assistance.
After feeling it's too late for change, the cycle continues, and spreads. So you see, how danger can start and spread, just by you thinking (after all the red flags of narcissism) that someone truly means well? That's fine let them mean well, at the police station, or by someone else and away from you
You wouldn't condone or accept, allow or support a stranger with negative or bad behavior, so you shouldn't condone or accept, allow or support a person in a relationship with you that shows negative or bad behaviors. There's only going to be negative consequences for you in the near future.
Recognize and speak up about their actions of bad choices under the disguise of meaning well, create a positive "No" answer to all bad behaviors, and move on without them. Let yourself be one less enabler to Narcissistic behaviors.
Along with the relationships I had with Narcissists after my beloved passed away; I've always spoke up against people with negative or bad behaviors towards myself, and others.
I was a Rights Activist when my Love was alive; I spoke up for Human Rights, Animal Rights, and Environmental rights, so it only feels natural that I encourage others to speak up for their own rights.
You're not just speaking up against the Narcissist, you're speaking up for yourself and your rights, and others who are also dealing with Narcissists in their life.
You have The Right to be happy and free, and since you can still speak up, you should do it now before it gets too late. You can help many people, if you can just help yourself first.
I've helped myself with Narcissists and their abusive treatment towards me, and now it's my mission to help others against the same treatment. I'm not an activist now, but I am an Anti-Narcissist that will speak up for those who can't speak up for themselves. If I can help one person, I've helped many, by helping just that one.
I don't just want to help others by speaking up for them, but I also need to spread awareness about Narcissists and Narcissistic Abuse. The torment and pain they cause is overwhelming, and must be stopped. Minus the two percent that genuinely mean well, but do they mean well one hundred percent of the time, without a selfish agenda? I have yet to see that.
I have always meant well, because I have genuine sympathy & empathy for others, while Narcissists don't have genuine anything but manipulative deceptive traits. For me, the only time they can be genuine is if they tell people they are Narcissists, to also help others be more aware about the way they are.
If they appear to show empathy, they've practiced appearing that way to appease you, and make you believe they mean well. They care so much for you as long as they need something from you. Narcissists are incapable of being sincere about expressions of love.
They don't know how to love. The closest they can get to identifying with it is to mimic what they see when others capable of love express it. Once confronted with evidence, some narcissists can tell you the truth but will most assuredly still lie to justify the initial lie.
This is usually rather obvious, and it's something you can quickly discard. Once they know you know the truth, some vulnerable covert narcissists will often break down and tell the truth. However, no one needs to go through all the bullshit just to wait for the "rather obvious". And how long will they tell you the truth? Who knows, and who cares, just get out of my house.
Even if they do mean you well, they won't show empathy with how you feel; the empathy is not real, and empathy that is not real from a Narcissist, is more power to manipulate and emotionally condition people for their own benefits. However they've had too many benefits as it is, so just say "No" and move on without them.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD); is a mental health condition in which a person lacks sympathy and empathy for anyone but themselves and believes they are better than everyone else, thus never accepting "No" when they want something from you.
It's not that simple of course (or as black and white as it sounds) but the biggest problem they do have is an unreasonably high sense of their own importance.
Narcissists have a sense of self-importance that you hear in their communication all the time. You can hear it all when they start to entertain everyone.
Preoccupation with power, appearing smart, funny or witty, successful or beautiful; acting entitled, and wanting only to be around people who seem important or special to them (or that make them feel those ways) like I would when I comforted them.
They target me when they see all the great things I know to be about myself, including my self-esteem, strong boundaries, self-resourcefulness or resources that are valued, patience, and an even-tempered personality.
They love a good helper or giver because they like to appear as wanting to help, but all they want is to take. They can help many people, and seem as if they just mean well, but the meaning is underneath what you can see, and it's usually for supply. Even if the supply at the moment is to appear as just meaning well with no agenda.
They'll try with all their might, to never take accountability though, for something unhealthy they've done to you, and excuses will be given by them before taking any accountability, which only causes arguments that can escalate if you continue to engage with them.
However if they seem like they're taking accountability for something, it's because they want to keep the peace for the moment, but you'll notice that their words and actions don't match with someone who truly is sorry for what they did.
Most likely it's a fauxpology (false or part-time apology) on a good day, because the same actions they apologized for, will come again, with strings. They're interpersonally exploitative for their own gain on a good day, even though that good day can be at the expense of others.
When something is done at the expense of others, it is done without thought for others who may get hurt by what's being done, it could harm one person or many. They'll say that they're there for you, but the only thing there for you from them, is their cell phone answering service if you're lucky.

I just knew good from bad and tried to warn people when I could. I did it out of love for others; empathy, compassion and Spiritual awareness, but also out of visually seeing a situation in my mind.
I not only feel things; I'm very visual when I'm thinking, so I can see things as well, while listening and speaking to someone at the same time.
I just knew what kinds of people were stupid dumdums, what kinds of people were fake, and what kinds of people do bad things on purpose or naturally all the time. To me, those three kinds of people are all dangerous, so I would stay away, and tell others they should do the same.
If you don't think it's true, just go to a party hosted by a fake person who invited a bunch of dumdums, and play their bad games to see what dangerous thing happens to you. Take that chance without thought, and live the consequences ever after.
I don't care who it is in front of me or on the phone or online with me, I bring up the dangers of narcissism, fake people and dumdums, when there is any communication and when necessary because I care about others, and not because I'm so smart I just want to show people how smart I am.
I never considered myself smart, cause I skipped a lot of school, probably more than any other person you know that skipped school while growing up. So when you continue reading and you think I'm bragging about myself, I'm not, I don't need to brag about myself (or others for that matter), I'm sharing.
People with NPD purposely brag all the time to make themselves look good, or to get something from someone, however they just look like braggadocious fools.
On top of that, and letting them brag when they want, if you say something remotely similar to a brag, they'll make sure they say something sarcastic to you right away.
I don't need to make myself look good, and I don't need anything from anyone anymore, but I do need to share what I know. Others will feel supported and helped by what I share, and I know that I am feeling great about sharing. A narcissist will think I'm just bragging.
When someone is sharing a story about themselves or when someone wants me to share a story about myself; I have to bring up narcissists and dumdums because narcissistic abuse is a part of me and my life.
Also I don't want people supporting and enabling that kind of abuse on anyone, by supporting and enabling people with obvious narcissistic behaviours.
Some may not think they support Narcissists or narcissistic abuse, but too many people do without even knowing they are, or they feel like they have no choice but to do so.
Enablers and flying monkeys come a dime a dozen, they are the people who carry out the work of a narcissist or an abusive person, by their support or their enabling or by acting on their part (doing the dirty work).
I'll make it easy to understand. Person treats you badly; then still asks you for money. You say yes just one more time hoping for a change, but there is no change, and you're enabling them to carry on treating you and others badly again. Others that you may not know, but they do.
Here's another example. Person gets mistreated emotionally and mentally by a narcissist on a daily basis; person reaches out to their only friend to tell them. Friend says hang in there it might change, so you hang in there with that friend's advice.
However that's not advice, it's enabling emotional and mental abuse by the narcissist to you, and to others. That's how I see it, and I see everyone enabling narcissists everywhere in just that way alone. By hanging in there because they have a false hope things will get better.
Then there are the people who are dumdums, that could fall for the tricks of the master trickster narcissist, and end up doing the dirty work for them. Dirty work like Lying to others, saying bad things to others, not listening to others, etc. Just emotionally and mentally playing with - but abusing - others, without even knowing.
Which is why I will forever be working not to be that dumdum, and why I can't tolerate dumdums for very long. The world to me is a dangerous place, so I just stay home and enjoy my life without anyone around, while and if I can.
Just by me being a highly sensitive person (HSP) good person; emotionally and spiritually sensitive to everyone no matter who it is; I'm taking a risk thinking everyone is essentially a good person; but behind their mask and behind closed doors, they could be a covert or an overt Narcissist and I just don't see because they're tricking me as I speak to them.
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