"A Pɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪs Wᴏʀᴛʜ ᴀ Tʜᴏᴜsᴀɴᴅ Wᴏʀᴅs" "ᴀ Tʜᴏᴜsᴀɴᴅ Wᴏʀᴅs ᴀʀᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜ ᴡᴀʏ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ."
~ Wᴏʀᴅs ᴀɴᴅ Tᴇʀᴍs Gʟᴏssᴀʀʏ Pᴀɢᴇs
~ Gloss.O.P.Q ~ Gloss.R.S ~ Gloss.T ~ Gloss.U.V.W.X.Y
U, is for,,
- UNFATHOMABLE = Adjective. Not able to be fathomed, or completely understood; incomprehensible: heroism in the face of unfathomable conflict. Not able to be measured with a sounding line, or fathomed: unfathomable depths of the ocean. Incapable of being fully explored or understood. "Her gray eyes were dark with some unfathomable emotion". Similar: inscrutable, incomprehensible, incalculable, indecipherable, obscure, abstruse, puzzling, cryptic, mysterious, baffling, secretive. THE OPPOSITE OF UNFATHOMABLE: comprehensible, penetrable.
- UNRECIPROCATED = Definitions of unreciprocated. adjective. not returned in kind. synonyms: unanswered, unrequited nonreciprocal. not reciprocal. Unreciprocated or unrequited love is when you long for someone who doesn't share your sentiments. It is possible to experience unrequited love with a narcissist. Narcissists often have difficulty forming genuine emotional connections with others, and may be unable to reciprocate love in a healthy and meaningful way.
- RECIPROCAL = Given, felt, or done in return. "They were hoping for some reciprocal comment or gesture". Similar: given/felt in return, corresponding, requited, returned. (Of an agreement or obligation) bearing on or binding each of two parties equally. "The treaty is a bilateral commitment with reciprocal rights and duties" Similar: mutual, common, shared, joint, corresponding, correlative, give-and-take, exchanged, complementary, reciprocatory, reciprocative RECIPROCAL IN KIND = Reciprocity is a social norm that involves in-kind exchanges between people—responding to another's action with another equivalent action. It is usually positive (e.g. returning a favor): to give and take mutually. To return in kind or degree. Reciprocate a compliment gracefully. However it can also be negative (e.g. punishing a negative action) (Fehr & Gächter, 2000).
- RECIPROCATE FEELINGS =Some common synonyms of reciprocate are requite, retaliate, and return. While all these words mean "to give back usually in kind or in quantity," reciprocate implies a mutual or equivalent exchange or a paying back of what one has received. If your feelings or actions towards someone are reciprocated, the other person feels or behaves in the same way towards you as you have felt or behaved towards them.
- UPSTANDING CITIZEN = Ethical good honest incorruptible moral prideful principled straightforward true trustworthy upright. An upstanding citizen or member of society is someone who actively contributes to the well-being of their community, abides by the laws, and acts with integrity and respect towards others. Honest, honorable, upright, respectable, reputable, high-minded, law-abiding, right-minded, worthy, moral, ethical, righteous, decent, virtuous, principled, high-principled, of principle, proper, correct, just, noble, incorruptible, anti corruption, conscientious.
V, is for,,
- VALUES = Your values are the beliefs and principles that you believe are important in the way that you live and work. They (should) determine your priorities, and guide your decisions and the way you act towards others. When the things that you do, and the way that you behave, match your values, life is usually good, or at least moving along the way it should. Narcissists thrive on control and the admiration of others. People with values and integrity often represent a threat to their power because they won't bend to the narcissist's will. They stand as a testament to a higher moral ground that the narcissist can't comprehend or attain.
- PERSON WITH NO VALUES = People who live their life not caring for alot of things and without meaning but they can still have a job, friends, and family, just like a Narcissist. A person who lacks value is ready to give up everything but they can still be kind. The dictionary definition of amoral is "having or showing no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong" — containing or presenting the essential facts of something in a comprehensive but concise way, "without morals." Immoral means not moral and connotes evil or licentious behavior. Amoral, nonmoral, and unmoral, virtually synonymous although the first is by far the most common form, mean utterly lacking in morals (either good or bad), neither moral nor immoral.
- VALUES AND BELIEFS = Beliefs are our assumptions about the world. Values are how we attribute worth to objects and behaviors. Core beliefs are strong, long-term beliefs a person has that help them understand how the world works and who they are. These beliefs begin forming in early childhood and influence a person's personality, decision making, and mental health. These beliefs act as rules for managing relationships and daily life.
- VALUES AND ETHICS = Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. They help us to determine what is important to us. Ethics is concerned with human actions, and the choice of those actions. Ethics evaluates those actions, and the values that underlie them.
- VALUES IN LIFE = Compassion, Honesty, Courage, Creativity, Authenticity, Balance, Humility, Loyalty, Determination, Gratitude, Accountability, Awareness, Community, Curiosity, Respect, Freedom, Generosity, Happiness, Love, Openness, Acceptance, Achievement, Adaptability, and Adventure just to mention a few.
- VALUES IN A PERSON = Compassion, Honesty, Creativity, Kindness, Courage, Achievement, Adventure, Dependability, Determination, Loyalty, Family, Friendship, Generosity, Accountability, Authenticity, Balance, Gratitude, Learning, Open-mindedness, Respect, Adaptability, Beauty, Boldness, and Community just to mention a few.
- VALUES IN A RELATIONSHIP = Communication, Trust, Loyalty, Respect, Empathy, Forgiveness, Accountability, Family, Finances, Spirituality, Honesty, How you express anger, Humor, Compassion, Emotional support, Lifestyle, Companionship, Growth, Appreciation, Commitment, Intimacy, and Joy just to mention a few.
- VICTIM = A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. "victims of domestic violence" / A person who is tricked or duped. "the victim of a hoax"
- VICTIM OF NARCISSISTIC ABUSE = Chronic abuse can lead to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), especially in victims who experienced other traumas. The result of narcissistic abuse can also include a pervasive sense of shame, overwhelming feelings of helplessness, and emotional flashbacks.
- VICTIM PLAYING NARCISSIST = Because narcissists are heavily dependent on others for validation of self and believe they should be catered to, posturing as the victim of uncaring people or unfair circumstances is a common narcissistic strategy for invoking guilt and getting attention, sympathy, or caregiving.
- PLAYING THE VICTIM = Playing the victim (also known as victim playing, victim card, or self-victimization) is the fabrication or exaggeration of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justify abuse to others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy, attention seeking or diffusion of responsibility. Like being in court and blaming your parents & childhood (making you a victim), for being a terrible person (or narcissist).
- VICTIMIZED = verb / past tense: victimized; past participle: victimized / single (someone) out for cruel or unjust treatment. If someone is victimized, they are deliberately treated unfairly.
"scam artists who victimize senior citizens" - VICTIMIZING = Exploit, prey on, take advantage of, swindle, dupe, cheat, trick, double-cross, defraud, persecute, pick on, push around, bully, abuse, discriminate against, ill-treat, mistreat, harass, torment, terrorize, torture, punish unfairly, have it in for, give someone a hard time, hassle, con, rip off.
W, is for,,
- WHAT NARCISSISTS SAY IN THE BEGINNING = As they love-bomb you, or you're starting to think how wonderful they are, while they're trying to think what they can get from you: "So what do you do for a living?" “So do you have roomates or you live alone?" "So do own your own home?" "I've never met anyone like you before.” “You understand me so much better than anyone else.” “It's fate that we met.” “I've never felt this way about anyone before.” "I'm so proud of you." "I'm so amazed by you." "We're gonna have an amazing time together." and "Don't worry I'll take care of it for you." One of the most common early indicators of narcissism is what's known as the love-bombing phase, and at the beginning of the relationship, the narcissist will often come on very strong, put you on a pedestal, and make you feel incredibly special. Narcissists can be the most charming people until they reveal their true nature; like when you have some kind of criticism about them, or you state a boundary they don't like. They might seem perfectly normal at the beginning; if not a little too perfect for you, during the early stages of a relationship. In a romantic relationship, a person with NPD may first come on really strong with compliments and proclamations of love, but are waiting for you reciprocate. Over time, they may begin to criticize and even gaslight you over the stupidest things. They may also need constant compliments and validation of their superiority, so if you don't give them that, you may expect the four Ds of Narcissism soon after; Deny, Dismiss, Devalue and Divorce. All while claiming they loved you more than you loved them.
- WHAT NARCISSISTS SAY FREQUENTLY = It is what it is. My Ex is crazy. I'm sorry you feel that way. Why are you playing with my emotions?. I don't know what else to tell you. I already apologised to you. You're being Crazy. They're jealous. You're Jealous. What's wrong with you? I'm not lying. Wow, you have anger issues. Wow, you're really mean. You're really hurtful. You're so insecure. Why are you overreacting?. I never said that. I never did that. That never happened. That's a lie. It's not my fault you made me do it. No wonder you're alone. No wonder no one likes you. I was joking. You're too sensitive. You're so selfish. You did it to yourself. You're a bad person. Why are you being this way to me?. I'm a busy person. After everything I've done for you?. You don't know what it's like to have... You're always mad at me. You always wanna fight. You're being really irrational. That's not fair. I do not make it all about me. I don't give a shit about that. That's really fucked up. I don't want to argue with you. You know I have a terrible memory. That's your fault. You knew what you were getting into. You're the one interrupting me all the time. Can we talk about something else?. I'll talk to you after you calm down. You're reading to much into it. I can't believe you, what's wrong with you?. Are you kidding me? That doesn't make sense. I knew that would happen. I told you that would happen. You're so judgemental. And last but not least "It's your word against mine" or "It's his/her word against mine Your honor."
- WHAT NARCISSISTS SAY WHEN GASLIGHTING = Any of the above statements; projecting their own negative traits, behaviors, or feelings onto you of course. Deflecting from the reality of the situation to stop you from intending to say or do what you were, and trying to make you question your own perceptions judgments and comments, making you feel like you're the one who's mistaken or confused. Isolating you and undermining your relationships with others. Citing your past mistakes to question your credibility. Four Ds of Narcissism: Deny, Dismiss, Devalue & Divorce, as they turn the blame on you, gaslighting you, and resorting to disrespectful behavior.
- WHAT NARCISSISTS NEVER SAY = A robustly and rigidly defensive and argumentative narc lacks the emotional capacity to relate in healthy ways. "I'm so so so sorry, I'll never do that again to you." Or "What I did was insensitive and I apologize." Or "I would be mad too, please forgive me." and "I respect you and your boundaries." Or how about "I don't blame you for not trusting me, I wouldn't trust me either." A narcissist might offer an insincere apology to get something in return. However you may find that they might apologize to put themselves in a victim position or to repair the damage that's been done to their image. They may cry and act like they just don't understand why you're so upset and hurting them.
- WILLFUL IGNORANCE = Deliberately dismissing adequate reasoning / willful ignorance in response to constructive criticism or well-intentioned feedback, or merely important questions, often to the point of self-sabotage, in a personal relationship, in public or in court. It can be described about people who choose not to "think hard enough". People you have to tell to "think hard and maybe you'll remember". People who always say "you know I have a bad memory", especially when they're remembering but only telling you what they want you to know, while omitting the details of truth and or facts. All people I consider toxic people who show traits of Toxic Narcissism.
X, is for,,
XENOPHOBIA = Attitudes, prejudices and behaviour that reject, exclude and often vilify persons, based on the perception that they are outsiders or foreigners to the community, society or national identity. - prejudice intolerance bigotry insularity parochialism isolationism ethnocentrism ethnocentricity racism racialism nationalism.
Y, is for,,
- YELLOW ROCK = Method while talking to a narc. Short and sweet. “Yellow Rock” is a polite version of “Gray Rock”, in which you are still uninteresting and unresponsive, but there is warmth there. In the above example, a Yellow Rock response might be “thanks for telling me, I'll check it out, I have to go now, so we'll talk again another time."
- GREY ROCK = Method while talking to a narc. Short not sweet. Grey rocking is a technique used to divert a toxic person's behavior by acting as unresponsive as possible when you're interacting with them. For example, using the grey rock method involves deliberate actions like avoiding eye contact or not showing emotions during a conversation, keeping it short and less sweet than Yellow Rock. The less the talk the less response from the narc.
- GREY ROCK YELLOW ROCK = “Yellow Rock” is a polite version of “Gray Rock”, while dealing with a narc.


- FYI: Last Words: Did you know?
A recent meta-analysis of 437 studies found a strong relationship between narcissism and violence, where narcissistic individuals are more likely to commit acts of violence than their non-narcissistic counterparts. In order to be considered a psychopath, many other psychopathic symptoms such as a lack of attachment to others, superficial charm, dishonesty, manipulativeness and reckless risk-taking come into play.
- It's certain that psychopathic narcissists exist
and here's the kicker: If a person has psychopathic traits, then they tend to have narcissistic and Machiavellian traits too. People with these personalities can't sense other people's feelings or see the world from any perspective apart from their own. They don't have a sense of conscience or guilt to stop them behaving immorally.
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